next week is momo's day. i was talking to a friend last night and he said he's gonna get his momo a cake. and i was thinking, do they actually sell cakes specially on mother's day? well if they did, i think i've been missing out on a perfectly simple solution to "mothers' day gift dilemma"
so every second sunday of may it comes. daddy and i scramble on sat nights/sunday mornings to find her the perfect gift. in the end we just get her a voucher from robinsons or something and get her to go for dinner. something she seems satisfied by, but im not actually satisfied with giving her something that....i dunno it feels like its thoughtless. :(
what do you get your mums for mother's day? i bet kenneth gets his mum yellow panties or something along that line.
so becca's birthday surprise+ shakespeare on love play. which was pretty damn good by the way, except for othello which was quite boring (fell asleep tsk) on may day. i had a pretty good time with my class. and on friday was sports carnival at ccab :D that was pretty good too, touch rugby :D:D:D and then had teppan yaki with my dear :D and then dozed off at home, met up with a friend and then headed home for some tlc from momo.

paolo, thank you. and i heard you were great at band concert. :D see, i was there, spritually? anyway im talking to naren and he's telling me abt how most his family members are 1.8++m i think i am doomed if the world were to go on like this. you guys just keep growing and growing and growing. frrrgrrr. ive been up watching soccer matches these days so its hard to stay awake
esp during lit lessons, all the dystopian talk, sometimes scares me. there was a day where i actually felt like bnw was controlling my every move, like how automation seems to be everywhere in jc life. sometimes i opt for spontaneity but it never seems to work out with everything planned ahead of you for the next two years. no im not regretting, its just hard to come to terms with the fact that im getting used to all this routine, which shdnt be the case.
on a sidenote, syf in two weeks and im half fried, plus ics night in three weeks, may 23rd nearing, i need to read more papers. which i shall get to...right about now. :D
totally did a personality quiz. turned out pretty alright i spose. overbearing is so true.
What Aish Means

You are usually the best at everything ... you strive for perfection.
You are confident, authoritative, and aggressive.
You have the classic "Type A" personality.
You tend to be pretty tightly wound. It's easy to get you excited... which can be a good or bad thing.
You have a lot of enthusiasm, but it fades rather quickly. You don't stick with any one thing for very long.
You have the drive to accomplish a lot in a short amount of time. Your biggest problem is making sure you finish the projects you start.
You are the total package - suave, sexy, smart, and strong.
You have the whole world under your spell, and you can influence almost everyone you know.
You don't always resist your urges to crush the weak. Just remember, they don't have as much going for them as you do.
You are truly an original person. You have amazing ideas, and the power to carry them out.
Success comes rather easily for you... especially in business and academia.
Some people find you to be selfish and a bit overbearing. You're a strong person.
What's Your Name's Hidden Meaning?this always happens when you're bored, dont deny it. i shd get back to viwawa now.
ive been having a pretty long day to myself, i have had some time, well alot of time to think about the things thats been going on in my life. also because i still havent got to studying for my econs test, just not in the mood to. i've been reading this book today that i got from the library. it was a pretty hasty choice with the amt of time in my hands i just grabbed the book that had a nice cover. but there's all this unrealistic love talk and erotica, grr it just makes me want to throw the book away.
if there was one thing i wanted to change about my past, hmm.
i dont think there is anything. i know at first it occurred to me that there prolly isnt only one thing that i would change, but then again i realize that these mistakes that ive made, they've made me become who i am today. selfish/selfless at times, maybe. i am aware of what i should or shouldn't do, not that i am unapologetic abt the mistakes i have made, trust me on that one. but my 17 years in this planet have made me understand whats meant for me and whats not.
sometimes i wonder if im ever going to be able to talk about this kind of things without boring you to death. ive this problem of over analyzing life as it is. mistakes make room for personal development. i had this application question on how society should be tolerant of people who make mistakes. i really dont know where to place myself now. mistakes made, and ive seen a part of the society that just isnt willing to offer you a second chance, they just lurk by, its pretty scary. just when you think that you want to put behind all the drama they sneak around and try to get back at you. wallowing in self pity is not a thing i want to indulge in, at first i admit it seemed like a very tempting idea but then i realised that admitting to that mistake and fixing it would make room for more personal....evolution?
i never really liked sumiko tan, but i have a scrapbook of her articles. the one on friendships, that one really struck me on how fragile these relationships can be.
i want this one to be one where we can share. you and momo not seeing eye to eye on everything is definitely not helping me out. if only both of you could realise that mistakes are mistakes, and everyone SHOULD, im not saying MUST deserve a second chance. the individual indeed, it takes time for them to start off, clean slate. but i did momo, sure maybe feelings blinded me. but i took a risk, both of you should too. if i were to be afraid of hurt, well in fact i still am, i dont think i'd be able to move on.
and there's this other thing thats been bothering me. about how everyone seems to be so busy with their lives. i am too, and i dont see myself making the effort to slowdown and ask how others are feeling. i miss you ulfred, leeyen, weedee, jojo, best friend, cousin, kenneth, isabel, huda, glenda, melvin, jq. i hope you guys are doing great wherever you guys are at, and hopefully we can catch up some time.
oh and one more thing, i've been having violent moodswings lately, does it come with aging. i mean cmon, it looks like a desperate cry for attention, somebody save me!
ahh, so much better, all thoughts are cleared. to all those taking exams or trials, gd luck bitches!
alright, to end my day.
A genie has granted you ten wishes. What do you wish for? Assuming there are no strings to these wishes:
01. For my mother to be happy, and to be with me for as long as she can.
02. Daddy not being so judgmental about me.
03. Secondary School mates back on track.
04. A time machine strictly for reliving memories that are a little foggy.
05. A happy ending for us.
06. For me to be able to succeed in every personal goal i set, non existent at present i shd add..
07. Reach Camb.
08. Artistic Talent, i have creativity but not ability, make sense?
09. for me to stop obsessing over undone work.
10. For him to be happy.