Egg Lover
Friday, February 29, 2008
Thursday, February 28, 2008
did i mention whitley detention centre is very near cjc.
the JI terrorist might be hiding under the projector screen in LT4,fuck can i use that as an excuse not to go to sch tmr?
i am sleep impaired
i totally am damn tireddd :D
i keep bumping into people whom i do/dont wanna see in cjc.
and i find myself walking past the lt2 corridoor more often.
i think he so knows. :(
Monday, February 25, 2008
Saturday, February 23, 2008
thats just the way the cookie crumbles.
so 4 days in cjc and im loving it. :D
school has really made me take my mind off things, things that i can not fret over at present.
i feel like i havent been a good friend to some people, i keep putting people off by my behaviour. like this wise crack told me once that what im fretting over now may not even matter in a few months, so why not stop now?
so perhaps life isnt peachy even if i hope it to be, heartaches happen but it still goes on. :D
to you, you have been there even through the slime and all the horrible mucus filled tissues.
thanks :D
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
where did you sleep last night?
i am listening to my old aerosmith album.
i am wondering why i keep thinking about rooney.
there are alot of things on my mind right now, and i feel like i'll be much better if i trashed it out here.
you know, here i am feeling over the moon about the posting results and im wondering if he feels the same.
here i am wondering if he you know, cares.
i am in a way jealous, of the girl that i can relate to. however her life seems so much awesomer than mine.
i never really liked her to be honest, and im quite sure its the same the other way round. clash.
i met her today. she=radiant.
and immediately it struck me. she's in love.
i was reading her stuff today and i cant help but think.
but then again thats what i always do. fucking think too much.
in a way thats def me, the girl who thinks too much into it.
thats the way the cookie crumbles i spose.
i want those random trips to the botanical gardens.
i want to be the one who doesnt surprise you. i want to be the one on the receiving end sometimes.
i want to smile at your sweet gestures, not smile at myself for my awesome attempt at making your day.
i want to be the one thought of, not me thinking of you instead.
i want you to tell me things you really mean, not things that you think you shd say so that you'll make me happy.
i didnt answer your phonecall cause it will only be another disappointment. whats the effort worth to you. i keep thinking that i keep expecting smething from you. but im only human, sometimes it will be nice if you could make me smile in return, not keep trying me tear me down. im close to...dust.
i dont want to talk about it to you cause at the end of the day you'll make it seem like you're the victim. i dont feel like i should complain either because lately all that i've been getting is "you're thinking too much, you're not appreciating him for what he is, or stop thinking as such" well guess what, you're not in my shoes and you wouldnt know.
i dont want to complain. i want you to change. i wont mention anything anymore. i will sit here and pretend that life is wonderful, then again i've always been good at that.
you dont deserve this, neither do i. you think you did nothing wrong? think again. im sorry if i expect too much out of you. guess what, what i expect out of you is only "something" anything at all, cause lately ive been getting nothing, zero zip zilch nada attention from you.
its like im your plaything, your pastime. i am not thinking too much. because this hasnt been the first, rather the umpteenth. im just gonna disappear from you for a while, then you'll realise being with or without me makes no difference, cause thats how you're taking this relationship as it goes.
well to me it makes a hell lot of a difference. smack me on the head if you want to, but i know, i fucking know that this guy will never wake up. he will never fail to realise that im not just some, accessory. i have my needs, and sometimes, i love you isnt just enough.
you're not, you're never gonna read this. you're not gonna read my thoughts. you're not gonna break me.
I try to laugh but cry insteadyou think i complain? well i might be a p.i.t.a but you are worse.
Patiently wait to hear the words you've never said
Making use of all this time
Keeping everything inside
Close my eyes and listen to you cry
There's only so much I can do for you
After all of the things you put me through
Monday, February 18, 2008
i am on cloud 456
1. | The results of your application are as follows: | |||||
Posted Institution | : | CATHOLIC JUNIOR COLLEGE | ||||
Course Name | : | CATHOLIC JUNIOR COLLEGE (ARTS) | ||||
Course Code | : | 23A | ||||
2. | If you are posted to a JC/MI, please report to the JC/MI on 20 Feb 2008 at 7.30 a.m .. If you are posted to a Polytechnic/ITE, an enrolment package with the relevant enrolment details will be sent to you. tell me that im the pimp. |
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Saturday, February 16, 2008
so what happened is.
i think im pretty awesome. once i got home i spoke to keshan on the phone and i fell asleep. and i spoke while sleeping. when i woke up he was still on the phone, and he said i speak in a language of my own. cool shit.
i found some new music on myspace. i am so happy.
must get out. says:
hi my name is aslam says:
hi my name is aslam says:
hi my name is aslam says:
hi my name is aslam says:
i wanna lick her
aslam is pervy.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
im l8
turns out mummy and kenneth wont be buying me lunch
and im late to meet raymond and gang.
fuck, kill me now
Monday, February 11, 2008
three posts in a day
must be a record, seriously.
so i just realised i missed parthi's bdae, 3 weeks ago. i blogged about it last yr, and i forgot this year.
people say its the thought that counts, what about a 3 week late thought? does it count?
happy birthday parthiban, congrats on club 18. :D
parthiban thinks that now that he's 18 he can do whatever he wants, like entice us with nice candy and refuse to give it to us. i also realise that i used to be capable of blogging alot, like really alot. i'd type till my hands ached. then again my entries were amusing and rather childish. and im calling myself childish when these entries were written only a year ago.
i think i still am childish. i like my childish self, dont you?
i used to complain about the radio, hell i used to complain about everything. i am so amusing.
glow in the dark
fucking cb i went to the webbie in all hope and eager then they let me down. cbkia kns. i am going to attempt to play that game ngee ann poly gave us at the entrance yesterday.
and panel A can just go rott in ah meng's coffin, absolutely cant stand people who make other people's lives miserable just cause you spouses didnt please you the night before.
flashing lights premiered last night, havent got to see it yet. sigh. everybody nose by NERD, new single off NERD's new album. yay, its time 4 some pharrell loving.
Sunday, February 10, 2008
nate archibald i love you.

did i mention i got 600 dollars richer over cny?
GAWD I LOVE CHINKS. anyhow, i am sooo late kill me nowwwwwww. why am i ALWAYS late.
can somebody tell me why?
and, feeling very happy. i think it has something to do with school, topshop,money, and kicking ass.
i have been trying to make the conection for an hour now.
Saturday, February 09, 2008
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
i keep wondering if tmr is gonna be a better day.
and then there comes a point of time where you just stop wondering.
no i havent given up.
im gonna embrace each day as it comes.
Monday, February 04, 2008
grr squared
oh and good luck anything will do! or is hot prospects for the future? aiyah, afiq's band. i'll try coming to root for ya baby!
i hate being a whiner. im going to go make some moolah now, fck valentines, i'll just... aiyah fck.
i am indeed very angry.
i am an angry girl.
boyfriend forgot about next saturday.
boyfriend might as well forget my existance. i hate being a whiner but seriously, GRR.
i am so mad right now i could slaughter the next thing i see.
i feel so 4 in the morning.
i feel so used.
i feel ...
aiyah i go hide under my blastoise shell now.