went to work yesterday. mofo nine hours of meet and greet. but got 104 dollars at the end of the day. thanks to prinesh!
will talk about work laterr. wanna snooze first.
went to work yesterday. mofo nine hours of meet and greet. but got 104 dollars at the end of the day. thanks to prinesh!
too much sweetener for a day. i still fall under the jobless category which sucks cause lil pink has a job and im still waiting and she still is waiting with me technically...uhh okay nvm. its not like i love keeping myself unoccupied, but wearing uniforms or conforming to hours just isnt my cup of tea. perhaps i should enjoy this while i can, until i get the desired phonecall that me and lil pink have been dying to hear from. at least i dont have extremely ignorant co workers, lil pink will be the perfect one to work with, if only she would stop calling be dumb. im a kabillion times dumber. mozilla underlined that. heh.
i woke up today with brightwood streaming through the speakers.