hi peeps, its been a while since i visited my tumblr account, but here, i'm there often, here's just...random stuff.
hi peeps, its been a while since i visited my tumblr account, but here, i'm there often, here's just...random stuff.
i dont care who you are, where you're from, dont care what you do, as long as you FUCK me.
i remember how much it was blogging on blogger, like... there's this i cant give a fuck feeling.
i dont remember listening to my first michael jackson song, my mum remembers though. she said i was two, and she used to play the likes of michael jackson, stevie wonder and whitney houston. i'd apparently insist on hearing billie jean over and over again. i remember watching my first music video of michael jackson, and i became his fan. i wouldnt say im a die hard fan, but it pains me to know he's left us. the man has been under so much scrutiny, to think he's left us...forever. so much stress, his name isnt even cleared. it fucking sucks that people say that he wasnt a man worth our tears. he revolutionized our culture, pop music. he invented the moonwalk, the music videos, he made us see beats, he knew what us consumerists wanted and left us dying for more. sure, he had his flaws, everyone's flawed, i stand by michael, i think he's a wonderful man, i want to thank him for bringing me through my childhood, giving me good taste, making me realise that dance is a passion, a talent. i want to be able to move my feet like this legend, this god of pop. its like the world has lost another elvis, no one will EVER come close to michael. ever. i think this is sick, i am sick to my stomach. he left us at 50, i have yet to see him live, performing amazing stuff. he has been an inspiration to so many stars of today, you wouldnt see many stars on stage singing their hearts out, dancing their feet off if they werent inspired. michael was a legend, he was... amazing. he was the king of pop, always is. music will never be the same again. rest in peace michael. i'm so mad at life right now, he had to leave us at 50, 50 years on earth, thats short for any human being. and to die of cardiac arrest, sigh, imagine how much stress he must have been going through. and it is our fault, yes people, all of us thirsty for gossip, we wanted to see this man fall, fall from that pedastal, we ridiculed him for his strange eccentric decisions, we made him this way, a sad man. he wanted to do a comeback, show his fans that he's true to his passion, he worked so hard, all in vein. i hate myself for laughing at his choices. he was a great man, and im sorry he had to leave us so early. i will make a trip to neverland someday, something i should do before im 30. take care michael, god bless you and your family. i'll continue to pretend like you were singing p.y.t to me. :/
i've moved. get your link from me personally/online/blah whichever.
because, people like wentworth miller, utt and adam lambert are not straight.
As Leo is ruled by the Sun, the Leo personality at its best is that of a bright, shining light that easily holds all its subjects within a safe, secure orbit around itself. These are warm, caring, giving people who will make it their mission to make the lives of those around them very comfortable as long as they feel appreciation for their efforts. However, without enough appreciation, Leo can become domineering, bossy, and stubborn, believing they are right and everyone else is wrong. Leos are also extremely sensitive to criticism and will rarely forgive a perceived slight. The Leo personality is intelligent and motivated, and often seeks out situations that put them in the spotlight, where they can be very effective. Again, however, if the ego is left unchecked, some Leos may become quite arrogant, doing things that are not acceptable "because they can."
For those with a Leo child, you have a kid with a warm, happy disposition who often displays confidence beyond his years. The desire to be in the spotlight will surface early in your little Leo, so give him plenty of opportunities to shine in various situations, where he feels he is in his element. Despite their outwardly proud, confident personalities, Leo children very much appreciate safe, stable routine in their lives, so make it a point to try to keep everything on a predictable schedule in the household. Your little Leo will be outgoing and gregarious with other children, but could easily become bossy and overbearing, trying to control everything and everyone around him. Keeping this in check with gentle guidance will serve your little Leo well for years to come, as the urge to try to dominate will be with him for a lifetime. Be careful how you criticize your little Leo, however, lest he hold it against you for years to come. Casual criticism that other kids might shrug off is perceived by the Leo child as a blow to his very core.
Adult Leos in the workplace might require a little extra maintenance, but this is generally worth doing, as they are strong, intelligent, ambitious leaders who will organize and motivate others. Leos are take-charge people who can make a real difference in the workplace, as long as their tendency to become overbearing is kept in check. Leos love prestige, and jobs with prestigious titles are very attractive to them. They make good doctors, lawyers, and teachers, and do well in any type of team leadership position that gives them some decision making leeway. Again, their proud facade may belie some inward insecurity, so criticism should be done gently and diplomatically.
If you have found a romantic partner in a Leo, you have no doubt already noticed the super-ego qualities inherent in the Leo personality. If you can provide the right amount of attention and appreciation, your Leo will in return shower you with the same. Leo is going to want to be the dominant partner in the relationship, so you must be willing to take second seat if you want to make it with this sign. If you try to gain control, expect explosive arguments and a power struggle that you will probably eventually lose, unless of course you happen to be an Aries or another Leo.
The best matches for Leo are Aries, Gemini, Libra, and Sagittarius, but Cancer and Virgo might work for certain individuals. It will likely be tough going with Taurus, Scorpio, and Aquarius.
Leo in any relationship is a charismatic leader that will take charge and draw followers. Leos will be the ones organizing the party and then greeting all the guests. A Leo will dress to make an impression, and this may be in expensive materials for the more refined, or in tasteless or gaudy materials to draw attention for the less refined. Your Leo friend has very fixed opinions and will resist attempts to change these opinions, a trait that others may find somewhat off-putting at times. However, if you give your Leo friend what they need, they will shower you with plenty of friendship, warmth, and loyalty in return.