Sometimes, ok maybe mosta the time, i feel like a complete fucker.
no really, i think i ought to complain about the fact that i complain too much.
I am very petty actually, i just dont show it. and if i do, you could expect a nuclear explosion in 2903 seconds.
what am i talking about? pretty simple actually. i realise i complain too much about life and its idiosyncracies. "everything about life pretty much stinks", i heard myself say that yesterday to joey.
joey just gave me this " you are such a drama queen sometimes, that's why i am giving you this skeptic look" look.
and then it hit me like i just reached the damn speed limit. i damn well know that my tissue paper god gave me a life that i am supposed to lead, at most with little complains.
the thing about me is that even if i have almost no room to complain, i'd find a way through that mouse hole to make a comment, turning me into a tyrant at the end of the day where everyone ends up at odd ends.
worst thing is, all the while i've been thinking life's the damn problem. now i see that it is, undoubtedly me.
i have great friends, parents that are worth a million times more than the people who are on my mind at the moment.
i think my mind is too worthy to be even thinking about them at the moment. but i have to cause i think it is rather because of them that i've lost a certain bone in me.
but i have to thank them anyway, to much contradiction, yes i am mindful of that. without them i wouldn't have realised how unforgiving the world is. and how people tend to screw up, no one lives a perfect life.thanks to them i realised the other flaw in me.(this one i'll save for 30 years later)
right now, you need to know, everyoe need a little bitching (quote widya) these things in life happen, and if people are not willing to give you a second chance, then too bad. you just gotta strt over. i learnt that while typing this.
joey told me yesterday " you know, you've become really boring lately, not as noisy as usual." and i got pissed at that.
i thought she expected something out of me, and then i blew it up to such a huge proportion saying everyone is expecting alot out of me, making me sound like some kind of enormous pathetic loser.
and then joey says, " i was merely concerned. you have issues babe"
huh, that explains it. i worry too much. and causing others to be concerned.
i've got no quotes for this one, i dont think any famous guy would have made up some quote for someone who complains and worries too much.
this woman in my estate, always snatches the elevator. i think i ought to be nice to her.
alright about my mid years. GET READY FOR A COMPLAINT.
you see, mr ng, on a really nice friday morning, told us that DIRECT SCHOOL ADMISSION FORM is now available, we can fill it in based on mid year results.
WTF, MID YEARS! if you had told me earlier i would have mugged harderr.knnbccb
so yea, i was pretty pissed about that.
kenneth told me that even if we apply, we wont get it cause its rare that they'd pick beatty students cause we're stupid know?
and my midyear result aint all that fancy. justifying kenneth's notion.
English: B3
Emath: B3
Amath: F9
Chem: B4
Physics: C5
Comb Humans: (dont know expecting a B)
Geography: (dont know expecting a B)
Tamil: A1
haha, i admit i havent studied hard, mugged hard. i left it to te last minute and .... sigh. no poin complaining here SINCE, it was my fault. i didnt study hard enough. havent been since i got plain lazy. all my fault.
My L1R3 is 11. WTHHH.
happy about english though. =]] one of the elite few who got a b3.
but there are people in my class who have grades like these//
English: B3
Emath: A1
Amath: B3
Chem: A1
Physics: A1
Comb Humans: (dont know expecting an A)
Geography: (dont know expecting an A)
MT: A2/A1
Emath: A1
Amath: B3
Chem: A1
Physics: A1
Comb Humans: (dont know expecting an A)
Geography: (dont know expecting an A)
MT: A2/A1
yea, thats what i'm complainin about. my place in E2, whether or not i truly deserve it.
and then there are some fuckers who say, mid year only, work harder next time.
KNNNNNN. just because your grades are fancy you dont get to say that.
i am not used to the fact that i am an average student now, since i am in E2, along with people who are as smart/smarter than me.
i guess its something i just have to get used to and not complain.
i'm gonna graduate anyway.
i'll leave with you with a quote from a future genius
" Eh, Physics leh. I am quite sure I'm not going to do well. I suck at physics"- Husler number 16
and in case you're wondering, she got an A2.
in case you're also wondering, my class is full of people as such.
thats why, my life, SUCKED
but as joey said.
so i dont see why i should complain anymore.
i made my life this way, my responsibility to shut up, and fix it.
and if it seems way impossible, or people are just not willing to let you fix it.
then let them be. they then prove to be not your real friends.
i dont want to complain anymore, i am sick of it.
sick of hearing myself and my incessant tyranny.
so yea. i call it quits. my topsy turvy relationship with COMPLAINS have
so, for those of you who have been going through dark times (not dark times like, my pool cue needs to be repaired. teeheehee kenneth) you know what you need, a possible....
cause the problem, mosta the time, lies within you.
i hope you have seen the light at the end of the tunnell, like i did.
it helps to have friends like a joey.
joe doe. thanks.
"the people i thought were my best friends abondoned me when i needed them the most.
BUT the real surprise was the people who stood by me", Unknown.
this quote calls out to me. i'm not going to wallow in self pity and complain about the first line of the quote, instead appreciate and understand the true meaning of the quote, lying within THE SECOND LINE. moving on from the first.
if you, have been a victim of bad friendships, maybe its time to re-look the situation.
"when there's no one else, look inside yourself. Like your oldest friend, just trust the voice within. Then you'll find the strength, that will guide the way. Then you'll begin to trust the voice within", Christina Aguilera.
yea, this helps. by the way she's coming to singapore.
so, today's post have been about complains, people and friendships. i honesty feel like i've slowed down the car, more like a leisurely stroll now. i'm quite sure i wont crash anytime soon.
i've been wanting to end this post for quite some time now, i started out thinking it would be short, and until now i still have things to say. funy how things change so quickly.
i've learnt alot, no point fussing over hustlers, and other thingamagix's life throws at you.
just catch those things, make a transformer out of it, and hurl it back to life. i'm sure its the first time you've heard of something like that.
maybe someday, i could be a famous person with a quote.
here's the post that was meant to suffice a million hours ago when i felt like the whole world is coming down on me. wait, it isnt. so aish,
i'll end it off, i promise, with a quote by yours truly.
"no point fussing over hustlers, and other thingamagix's life throws at you. just catch those things, make a transformer out of it, and hurl it back to life. " Aish, just your average teen.

sorry, i just had to. CARPE DIEM EVERYONE!
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