johnny depp gets read to jump.
so the story goes. tharen(peninsula plaza boy) and i were lunching. we then went to ntuc j8 ad we chanced upon a magazine. FIRST MOVIE MAG HAD A TWO COVER EDITION. ONE WITH ORLANDOBLOOM AND THE OTHER WITH JOHNNY DEPP. they happened to have orlando bloom, so i bought it anyway. so, the search bega. i went round the whle of bishan, but to no avail.i also bought the april version,where they had a johnny depp pirates poster. so, i decided to call some people (kenneth,ashok,afiq,isabel,alan,clarence,nicole,sathish)and finally, after an hour. ashok called and said he found it (isabel said all orlando bloom)so, than you ashok, you made my day.

15.Nicholas cage as on ghost rider. I like his chiselled face. not many old people have that.

14.This guy is just british hot. he takes british hotness to a whole new level.

12. Pharrell Williams from N.E.R.D the hottest black rapper around. HE IS HAWTTTT. "cause im your shit"
11. Daniel Radcliffe. The new sex bomb look is really doing some good to the world aint it? no more........plain harry.

9. JUDE LAW. anyone caught closer?!
10.Tom Felton AKA DRACO MALFOY. isnt he adorable???!!! ITS A TIEEE.
10.WENTWORTH MILLER.Michael from prison break. those eyes. WOWWOWWEEEE.9.hmm, its his eyes lah, and his gay appeal on brokeback moutain.
8.Chris Evans. You know, the human torch on fantastic four!
7.A TIE BETWEEN TWO ROCKERS.Tyson Ritter from All American Rejects. Do i need to explain? moving along....

7. Pete Wentz from fall out boy....yummmm.

6. Christiano Ronaldo, the hottest football player alive in history.

4.ohh, and here's george clooneyy. one of the hot old men. he never gets olddd. OCEANS' 13!
3. ITS A TIE BETWEEN TWO ADAMS. Here's Maroon 5's lead. Adam Levine.3. Adam Brody from the OC. CAYOOOOTTT.
2. Josh Hartnett. phewww. HOTTTTTTTTTTTTT X*!&@&*(@*(&@*.1)as you number one most hottest man alive, is lord voldemort.
okay, i am kidding. you already know my number one.

there. all done. you can breathe now. lol
anyay, today was my EL paper. paper one was alright. talkin about the changes in my life in ten years' time. will not elaborate much since i aleaddy did it once. HOWEVER....
the second paper, on mountain climbing. i swear, i have never sat for such a difficult english paper in my life. MS SHAM, WHAT WERE YOU THINKING i sat down, all smiles, ready to take on whatever faced me. i read the passage once, twice, three times. i seriously considered throwing down the towel. i sat there,staring blankly into space, wondering why i was born. i bet the kids in africa dont have face this much pressue. at that very moment, i wish i could trade lives with them. just for tat 1 hr 40 minutes. inferential quetions my backside, how are comprhension skills going to help us in the workforce? knn, screw the english system.
okay, wish me luck. midyears are upon us. so wont be blogging much. till may 15th! tomorrow is spidey day with ulfred and elizabeth!
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