speaking of low disciplinary, kenneth is off playing pool. teeheehee.
anyways. heard of the school shooting at virginia? honestly, the korean guy looks like a real scary dude (ulteriormotive). dont ever taunt anyone in school i tell you! they might just shoot you! imagine you're at assembly, and you're taunting....(agent XR) and he gets so pissed he whips up a guns and shoots at everyone within 5 m radius. knn,my class is near his class. so pple, dont taunt anyone, you might just get shot.
but think about it? will this be a wake up call for students in USA. you always hear about cliques in USA. The popular (jocks and cheerleaders), the geeks,the goths,the loners,the stoned,hippies,groupies,sexually active,the punks,the socially challenged,and the "i dont fit in anywhere,im an individual" clan. if you're wondering how i know this, i watch one tree hill, and i've watched many high school movies. (the breakfast club,the virgin suicides) i dont undersand how people get labelled. in the end we're all human, we go through the same few emotions, same qualms, same puberty. we all live on planet earth. how can there be so many barriers within ONE race, the human race?not only are we divided according to race,religion,colour, now they divide us into who we are?your individuality has never been there to be judged by someone else. and this i exactly what happene to the korean boy. he was judged, he saw things that wasnt right, but it was wrong on his part to take matters into his own hands. but the school?the people? the govt? werent they at fault too? and the saddest part is, if it werent him, it would have been someone else.
concidentally, there's a funeral near my estate. i hear chanting. rest in peace.
i remember there was an episode on one tree hill (season 3 episode 16 joey) where this guy, jimmy edwards..he was a friend of a few guys at the start of school. soon those guys got popular, and he got left out. obviously he felt lonely and had all this angst... and one day there was this time capsule project where he was required to record(videotape) his thoughts, wht he wanted people to know in the future, and he says that everyone in the school are losers, afraid to be themselves, they arent real.of course this was meant to be confidential but this video somehow got leaked out (teenage drama)and then he was being taunted. he coulnt take it anymore and brought a gun to school (but he only shot one person,who didnt get killed) in the end he killed himself. SEE?! DONT TAUNT PEOPLE!!
quote the korean guy from the video "you forced me into a corner, and gave me no choice" dont let this happen. 32 peoples innocent lives. and guess what, now the korean/asian population in america is now gonna be taunted for his actions. but whose fault is it really? and there were signs of this guy losing it. wtf was the school doing. previous police cases, psychological help? this guy obviously was dangerous and the school let this matter escalate to such heights. could this incident be avoided? maybe not. most probably no in my opinion, if not this boy it would have been some other guy. there's this guy on youtube,kevin (a chinese) and he did a video on americans stereotyping every single thing, even the type of food a certain race eats (chinese:egg rolls and noodles)
even i do get racist comments by this certain indonesian boy from my school. but i dont let it bother me since...im probably not gonna see this fckhead ever again after graduation so why bother? des his opinion matter? sorry no. i pity you since you're brain is so small, you're views are so narrow minded. get on with the programme. though there's still racism around, i think getting on with life is a better option. i believe in karma. so boy, you better watch out for yourself.
so what? do i shoot him? no. i believe someday he'll mature. so i take it in my stride.
so who's to blame, korean guy or USA kids. one side, USA kids label people. BIG MISTAKE.some generalise asians as kids who are yellow ad have small/no eyes/slit eyes.how doe one discriminate with appearance? this guy could be the next einstein, but your taunts could just hinder him from reaching greater heights? has anyone thought of that?i suppose you havent indonesian boy? i could be the next prime minister of singapore, i could very well make your life miserable. but i wouldnt do that, cause im bigger than you in mind and heart. i have indonesian friends who are friendly carin open minded and reall awesome, eg isabel,edward,ricky,kat,felicia,monica and some others. why cant you follow suit? have i done anything to you in your morta lif that hs hurt you so bad? i belive in this theory. bullies are cowards, they are afraid that they woulnt be accepted, so you act bigger than all of us. you think you re oh so fabulous by making racist remarks? think again.
ok, maybe im ranting too much.
im not making any offence to indonesian pple, notice i havent made any generalisations. this is to avoid any miscommunication. i am affected by one boy, and i do not wish to disclose his name, thus the codename. i stress this. please,no offence.
and maybe im not the only one you've offended. who am i kidding, maybe? of course im nt the only one. i speak for all of them who have been hurt by your childish comments. i know you wont be reading this, but if you ever do, i do not, i repeat, do not wish for you to repent, stay as inhumane and barbaric as you are. obviously you are still deluded by he fact that this is the life and this is how i stay cool. i know my words will not have any effect on you because your brain is too small.
i've been putting this issue off for a while, but the korean guy made me realise this.
" pledge ourselves as one united people, regardless of race, language or religion."
how many of you mean what you say? i definately mean what i say. i think its childish to judge a person's capability,character,intelligence by the colour of their skin. like the black eyed peas song "where is the love" it was a monster hit in 2003, but did people actually listen to what they said? the racial discrimination against black people? martin luther king? do these things and issues affect you in any way?no. you discriminate here. you go to usa YOU get discriminated against. believe it or ot, USA ppe discriminate more against chinese people rather than indian and black pple these days. so i hear. so yea. karma .
OOKAYYY. on a lighter note. i am sleeping alot in class these days. mid years are on the way. good luck everyone!
hmm.celebrities. my top hottest femme in the a listt.top 15.really prestigious.


14.sophia bush from one tree hill/john tucker must die. she is hot yo
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