What's Eating Gilbert Grape .
"A spacecraft orbiting Mars has scanned huge deposits of water ice at its south pole so plentiful they would blanket the planet in 36 feet of water if they were liquid, scientists said on Thursday." - Yahoo NEWS.
WTF!!!! okay, more.
"Life as we know it requires water and, in fact, at least transient liquid water for cells to survive and reproduce. So if we are expecting to find existing life on Mars we need to go to a location where water is available," Plaut said.
"So the polar regions are naturally a target because we certainly know that there's plenty of H2O there."
Some of the new information even hints at the possible existence of a thin layer of liquid water at the base of the deposits.
But while images taken by NASA's Mars Global Surveyor spacecraft made public in December suggested the presence of a small amount of liquid water on the surface, researchers are baffled about the fate of most of the water. The polar deposits contain most of the known water on Mars." - Also from Yahoo news.
okay, cool. so now there is ...
a) possible cousins in Mars.
b) possible existance of life in mars
c) lots of water in Mars
And here we thought the only planet that experiences global warming was earth. hmm, martians in Mars, im already feeling excitement. could it be possible, do aliens exist?! 100 years down the road will our great grand kids/grandkids get to go on cultual exchange programmes to Mars?! We wont need to loan water from Malaysia now, We've got MARS. ok -_- .
hmm, If Mars becomes a Planet where life can sustain, will we migrate there? it would certainly be cool though. " I'm from PLanet Mars, and come in Peace. NAN0-NAN0." (cool) I think i've been watching too much star trek lately. nyeheheh. or maybe when it rains in Mars we all get Super Powers like Tom Welling in Smallville. Or when the its the solar eclipse we all get super powers like in Heroes.(shows my addiction)
i've been thinking alot about life in the future. Its kinda cool. Although i do hope what i pictured is the future. and this whole Mars thing certainly helps. nxt time when we're all puzzled on where to go for a vacation..."hey, lets take a trip down to MARS. It'll only take us 19378927389723 days."i think that in the future, there would be genetically perfect babies, with superhuman abilities. an example of how they would look like?

okay. i am bored. and this was entirely lame, utterly stupid, but at least you got some eye candy. not enough? go see today's life paper.
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