major emo phase gone.
haha, im back. and healthy. if you guys didnt know, i am now beatty's hot talk. the celeb. everyone in beatty now approach me with caution, afraid that i will explode in uncontrollable amounts of tears and fits or something. ok, for the record, i am NOT suffering from some form of manic depression. noted? good.
i bet you nosy pricks cant wait to hear the oh so drama from the celeb herself. but er, sorry. if i were stupid enough to tell you, i'd probably regret it for the resta my life. okay, i know your sensing a little angst already. you can probably guess that things are really gonna change around here. i am now the new angst riden, cynical, morbid, EMO teen. your worst nightmare? okay lah, i was just kidding, no way am i gonna be that so ya'll can take a chill pill (aslam)
okay, so whats the deal? i could summarise it.yes its true, i WAS physically and emotionally unstable for the past few weeks, and i guess i just snapped. but that doesnt mean you guys who were never concerned before should now turn into my new best friend. honestly if you do think by suddenly catching up with me and making up for lost time would help me, it wouldnt, because i'd probably bite your head off. you already left during dark times, so dont expect me to embrace you with open arms when you come running back to me.(if you actually bother to) so yarp. if you dont and act like nothing happened, i admit, i would be a little pissed, i am human after all. but over attention? now that really creeps me out. for example my mum has been keeping a really good watch on me. really god? let me rephrase this, its almost like she's waiting for me to do some crazy stunt any minute like burst into flames (maybe she's watching too much heroes) im sorry mum, but no. im completly fine. i repeat, i am not going to slip into some manic depression, i am not going to slit my wrists (i am afraid of pain and im not stupid) , and i am definately not going to turn lesbian.
and if i freak you out by talking about dying all the time, dont worry, my main purpose is to freak you out. i've turned psycho, i wanna see if ya'll care, if my presense matters. apparently it does to ashok (YAY!) and some others who noticed i have been going through issues. and surprisingly, fellow power ranger monica knew that i wasnt lurking around in school on friday, i usually emit a form of emo radiation whenever i am around, a girl who's just a mutual friend knew that i wasnt around so that is just really COOL. i am being missed (tear)
and yes, i am NOT deliberatly missing school because i want to, i am not stupid enough to miss school on purpose when this year is one of the most important years of my life. as i mentioned earlier, i am not well. nono, i am not like julie low, i am fine now. i am warning ya'll please dont skip your meals,eat well. gastric sucks, and it could develop into appendicitis. no parthiban, i am not going to take my appendix out after all, so you cant have your appendix facial hair prata. so yarp. now i am whole and healthy so now its your turn to slip into some manic depression cause now you know, sadly, aish is not going to die.
and no, my phase is not due to the fact that i didnt celebrate valentines day, did you actually think i was that lame? i dont celebrate valentines day PERIOD. i am a commercial conspiracy theorist, and i think valentines day is a bunch of bull.
okay, i was trying to make up for loss time, since i havent been blogging but im lazy to type. but its not as tho many read my blog. even if they do it seems like only the regular few LEAVE TAGS. please ah, if you people are actually reading, please leave a tag.
okies. time for the photos =]

NONO. i like the butter. i didnt mean to slit myelf. i was high on butter.
jean felt a booger.
sambal fish at a really expensive place. yumm
newton circus' best kangkong!
cmon ants. widya's cheezel look really hawt.
check out the ants on the sugar.
the best drink on this planet.
oh yea. chilli cheese fries.
Kenneth high after RK lunch.
beckham personally gave me these shoes
my favourite all stars.
pravin being an ass
more pics another time!
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