Because the finding of this finds you incapacitorially finding and/or locating in your discovering the detecting of a way to save your dolly belle.

Pirates of the Caribbean 3 trailer
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wahlao, i shitted myself when i saw this(oh maybe i didnt) but i was in awe, i want to watch it this very minute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so, the weekends were cool, i caught the number 23, which was surprisingly alright, despite the weird, and crude reviews done by the critics, maybe singaporeans just dont get it. it requires alot of patience, and ultimate brilliance to be able to watch jim carrey and his.... odd acting. and he still had punchlines. -.- i will not lie,i think teenage mutant ninja turtles would be awesome-r. i hear so.
days are so routine you know. i get up, hit the snooze button like 3 times, finally get up, brush up, shower,feed my new fish, get uniformed,hair pinned, and im going down the milkyway(the path to school),meet some old friends on the way, get to school, get some last minute stuff down, go to the council room, pretend im interested in what everyone there is saying(gawd, i sound emo,teehee),get down to assembly,wonder why i was born, why i had to succumb to listen to such horrifying english so early in the morning, get to class,listen,occasionally doze off, bell rings, and another school day ends. but you see, whenever i talk to someone, or do something everyday, i keep telling myself,"eh, must blog about this tonight" trust me, if i had taken all my thoughts down, you would have a 600000000 words long essay to read here. so when i reach home, eager to let my fingers do what they were born to do(typing), my mind draws a big blank, and i forget about all the conversations and stuff i did on the day. so yes, that explains why i am so not in the mood to blog everyday, simply becuase i dont fucking remember anything. i need helpppp.
speaking of help, ok no, i jus thought it would be cool to say that, anyway, tmr would be my last day of being a student councillor, executive student councillor. i cant lie and say,i'm super depressed and sad about it, neither can i say,i'm overjoyed. i honestly dont think the student council has done anything for the student population, for maybe the teaches yes.(i have said this to a million people but bear with me anyway, i am such a ranting bitch.) we've organised events, only because we are required to, not because we want to, we have never organised anything for the school students, something they would want, the students in beatty have little say even thought we claim to act as a bridge between the student community and the teachers. sigh, but who am i to complain, i havent taken any initiative either, tsk, even if i have, my ideas are merely dismissed, calling it either over ambitiuos, or to quote "i dont feel for it" .if you do not have any idea about what i am rambling about, lets just leave it at that, cause neither do i. heheh.
so this year's presentation is going to be awesome, we are going to be doing a video on the fun times we had in council, and you have probably seen this in every school's investiture but what the heck, we are the same even though we claim to be different. our idea is so mediocre, i think even if i do watch the video, i wouldnt feel an ounce of whatever for it, simply because, it is just a bunch of meaningless pictures strung together for the fun of it, with a song that's supposedly awesome.(it is not muse, thus not awesome). sure, pictures always mean something, but i thought our batch would do something out of the norm, but my batch is just, too normal, too afraid to dare to be different i guess. ah wat the heck, whats the point of bitching about this when honestly,after tomorrow, i wouldnt give a nannyhoots about this. i thought this investiture would be something more, more than just tears. well i guess its just too fucking much to ask for.
weee, i am so not in a good mood.
lets go on to something lighthearted eh,hmm, recently my parents told me that ribena has been tested to not have any vitamin c at all.
i remember the times where i used to "coax" my parents into buying large quantities of ribena,i liked it very much and used to tell them about the benefits of ribena, and highlighted the "fact" that vitamin C in it. at that point of time,i didnt even know what vitamin C meant, all i knew was that it was something good for the body, and every parent loved it for their children. ok, hopefully my delrose still has vitamin C in it. i will not stop drinking my delrose niazzz. i hope kenneth can draw us a ribena packet.
oh yea, widya got contacts, and no she doesnt look like a minah.
i know you can barely see any colour in ther(freaking green) but i just wanted to put up a retarded picture of her anyway, here's the bitch who attracts ah peks.
and here's shi xiong at mos on the 21st, i had a picture of kenneth but he's so hot his face got blurred.
here is isabel doing the cheena face.
this thursday is sports day, sturdee, in my last year, is losing miserbaly, its been winning 2nd place all the while, for the past 3 years!!!!! damn. this friday is good friday, have a good week yo. i hope this didnt satisfy you, cause it definately didnt satisfy me. i need to blog more.
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