Happy Birthday Mum!
MY SPECIAL PREMIERE TICKETS FOR PIRATES III AT WORLDS END. =]]]]] ON THE 23rd MAY. isnt that just, spelendid?! watching my baby first in ASIA was an awesome experience, i'd say much better than spidey actually.
I'm watching it again this week with glendo,melvin and ulfred. =]]]]
just like last year, i caught it three times (dead man's chest."
and yes, my brand new maroon 5 album, which is just..... =]]
the music is something so raw, its almost too good to be true. i'm typing this while adam's voice is ......*indescribable* through the speakers. i'd say its a good buy if you're a fan of maroon 5, sex(the lyrics are a little disturbing for almost every song),adam levine and electronic rock.
Everyone,please view this. ITS HILARIOUS. will explain another day.
i'm rather sick of pointless blogging, but im so busy these days. everythings so exciting. i promise tmr i'll blog properly, to satisfy MYSELF.
alright, everyone. TODAY IS MUMMY's BIRTHDAY.
we at home are planning a big surprise, and my dad is horrid at planning surprises, so i've got little help, hopefully it all goes well! *crosses fingers,toes and everything else possible*
later on joey's coming for a pirates marathon,we plan to freeze frame the part where johnny says, ello' Beastie! in dead man's chest. if all goes well, today's gonna be great.
tomorrow's MT Os. GOOD LUCK EVERYONEEE. =]
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