im no fool.
hey guys, i feel like i've been cheating my way out of blogging, just that i have absolutely nothing to blog about except for super mundane things like how i lead my life. this was supposedly going to be a long post to make up for all the previous rookie entries, but i doubt i can do that. nevertheless, i shall persevere.
i just realised how much i miss the foo fighters.
hahahah how much
i havent rly listen to blink since december
call yourself a fan
muse lah
blame matt bellamy
some random guy wishing rihanna would come under his umbrella

yes, this is the music we listen to now, imagine the kind of music our kids might listen to. i dont know about you, but i didnt like the times where my parents forced me to appreciate music of their times. i only learnt to do so as i grew older. can you imagine my kids/grandkids not liking muse, calling it old fashioned and boring?
christina aguilera would be like aretha franklin or perhaps...whitney. and maroon five would be like, the eagles or beatles or beegees or.... whoa! rather amusing really. maybe my kids would listen to martian music.
so yes, friday was beyourselfday. nothing special, there werent as many outrageous outfits as before,luckily it fell on a friday. no one was in the mood to study and even miss shamsuddin was ready to camwhore! except mrs haridass who felt the social studies gallery walk was more important than being yourself.
well no surprise, my class being as shitty as ever, decided being youself is more cool than staing united as a class. mr chan was rather disappoinedthat some of the class mates werent as enthusiastic about showing others how we deserved the active class award last year. a disappointment really, but we are not in a position to rant, simply because some people do not want to make their last year a memorable one for others, but only for themselves. pretty selfsh really, but who am i to judge? i was literally little miss sunshine on friday. =]]
ah, now that i've let that out, i will now painstakingly post/host the pictures that we took that day! i must 4e4 must have had a field day man, with all that attention they were receiving. good on you guys! the umbrellas, shades were uber cool, you only made the rest of us envious, which really was your main purpose, so well done! i liked the spirit. and syuhara, nice outfit yo!
more next time!
i am quite excited about the movie, having seen the trailers and everything, but about the book, im still a little skeptical. you see, the thing is, i dont think i am ready to let it all end. harry started out great in sorcerer's stone, with his sought after innocence and bravery, through the course of 5 other books, he matured and was nurtured to become a sensible young adult, with more on his plate than any wizarding teenager can imagine. and to let this all end so quickly....

from, oddly cute...
to just plain weird.
from buck toothed and big haired...
to aslam's favourite earthling. awwww.
i cannot emphasise on how much i wish harry potter was real. i was talking to an old friend of mine the other day, and we cannot agree more on how the welcome feast seems to get bigger each time the movie comes out, how quidditch sould be made a real sport (machine brooms), how lessons should be more hands on. can anyone say amen?
and btw, i think ms lu lim looks alot like sybil trelawney, dontcha think?
i really dont want Ron to die man, he's s blur and cute in the book, i cant bear to read about how Ro got tortured to madness by bellatrix, or stomped by an army of giants or whatnot. i hope he becomes Head Boy, like what he hoped for when he saw the mirror in the first book! but harry's notcoming back to hogwarts, according to the last book, and hermoine and ron claim to want to follow him on his endeavours to find the remaining horcruxes.
well its rather sad that not many people, in my class are obsessed with HP like i am, i really dont want the book to end, but as they say...all good things must, undoubtedly,come to an end.
well i am reading order of the phoenix now, let me type out my favourite moment in the book. bladdy hell, they better depict this well in the movie.
Beyond The Veil
Only one pair was still battling, apparently unaware of the new arrival. Harry saw Sirius duck Bellatrix's jet of red light: he was laughing at her.
'Come on, you can do better than that!' he yelled, his voice echoing around the cavernous room. The second jet of light hit him squarely on the chest. The laughter had not quite died from his face, but his eyes widened in shock. (see the way she puts the process of his death into simple words that create a scene in your head, J.K Rowling is genius)
Harry released Neville, though he was unaware of doing so. He was jumping down the steps again, pulling out his wand, as Dumbldore, too, turned towards the dais.
It seemed to take Sirius an age to fall: his body curve in a graceful arc as he sank backwards through the ragged veil hanging from the arch.
harry saw the look of mingled fear andsurpriseon his godfather's wasted, once-handsome face as he fell through the ancient doorway and disappeared behind the veil, which fluttered for a momentas though in a high wind, then fell back into place.
Harry heard Bellatrix Lestrange's triumphant scream, but knew it meant nothing- Sirius hd only just fallen though the archway,he would reappear from the other side any second...
But Sirius did not reappear.
"SIRIUS!" Harry yelled. "SIRIUS!"
He has reached the floor, his breath coming in searing gasps. Sirius must be just behind the curtain, he, Harry, would pull him back out...
But as he reached the ground and sprinted towards th dais, Lupin grabbed Harry around the chest, holding him back.
"There's nothing you can do Harry-"
"Get him, save him, He's only just gone through!"
"-Its too late, Harry."
"We can still reach him-" Harry struggled hard and viciously, but Lupin would not let go...
"There's nothing you can do,Harry...nothing...He's gone."
so yes, that was my favourite part of the book. I was tearing already.this particular book, i kept putting it off, "it" being reading. Some idiots told me the book wasnt worth their money/was too long and draggy. so,i decided not to read as yet. But when i picked up the book, i could not sympathise with the rest. It was really too good. the tyranny of dolores umbridge (worse than a certain tanny), the growth and maturity of characters, the struggle or sirius (having found solace in harry so quickly,so touching!), too much of a story to completely label it boring. to me, this was my favourite!
so, anyone heard? XX got thrown out of stomp again! like wtf? she's the only one worth reading among those 6 other boring shit. just because she is too opiniated and doesnt give a shit doesnt mean these ignorant ugly readers can complain! but then again,what are sinaporeans known for? complaining! wahlao, she's been a blogger for 4 years, she knows more blog ethics than any other reader does. stomp was entertaining with her around. XX blog is about lifes superficialities, and thats what people love reading about.HATERS are just jealous that they dont get to live the life that she's got to live. and those who leave tags calling her a slut and a whore, why? cause she dresses that way?! bloody hell, she's got a mensa cert to prove she's certainly not the slutty bimbo you claim her to be. just because she's got a short tongue, doesnt mean you shouldt listen to what she has to say. she has some intellectual and creative views to life, and some times, she can be very very entertaining. so CLAM it, if you're so jealous, try getting yourself a blog. See if you an be just as populara s her.
im sorry, but i am a fan of her rantings and complains, cause she knows and shows how a true blue singaporean behaves and acts!
so yea, i think im going to catch harry potter this friday. i m so broke lah. i caught transformers with kenneth on friday. i give it 230812903828319028390283190283 thumbs up,if i had that many hands!die hard was just as good man, best out of all in my opinion! i caught it with kabil,who und it to be just as good!
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