random emo shitzo.
Listening to: ACDC: Thunderstruck
i've been getting alot of spyware and adware on my computer recently. and these stupid pop ups keep coming every ten minutes. They say i've won a million dollars, and the next one was i got 10 million, and i just got a green card. Wow, i must be the luckiest person on the planet lah can?
okay, im am going through my first EMO phase. i havent been talking much. I AM A TALKER OKAY. yeapp. i think its the weather. so.... eee. did you know, that most break up songs are RNB songs? well i jus realised it. I find the pussycat dolls very amusing. first they come up with a song telling all the men to loosen up their buttons, and then they tell them that they dont need a man, contradiction much?
music and artists these days, are running out of material. you dont hear anything fresh on the radio nowadays, the songs sound the same. not only that, the radio replays a song every 2 hours. THEY HAVE 10 MILLION songs to play, but they choose to replay a song from, lets say..nelly furtado, just because its popular. this is how we get sick of songs. its on overdose. and i have no idea why perfect10 had to feature Rain's new song : rain is coming down. first of all, this guy has no freaking originality, and he cant sing for nuts. my granpa can sing better than him. his voice is ccovered by the techno pop beats, he doesnt even has to sing at all, all he does is mumble. sometimes i dont understand why people like songs that have no meaning, and lame puns. rain, rain is coming down, get it?? EEEE, rain, stick to acting. you're not hot either. you only can dance. why not try to be britney's backup dancer? you could be the next MR SPEARS. im sure your music carreer will be much better than a certain federline. you've got the asian girls' support.
well, mtv isnt any better. but the mainstream industry is like this. you cant expect much. at times like this, i wish blink 182 was back together again. i'd wish sum 41 would come up with something as good as Pieces. I wish linkin park would come up with their album soon. and i wish gwen stefani would cut the solo crap and be back with no doubt, no doubt is kick ass! anyone mind being my sugar daddy? i'd like some muse tickets, a cadillac, and of course, damien rice's album. i am just soooo upset that i didnt make the switch to damien rice earlier when i was at sembawang purchasing my sweet escape album.
this post is super random isnt it? oh well, school isnt helping to make my life interesting. its the same old bore. im always pissed off during the start of school. i get down to read, and then the whistle blows. they only give us ten minutes to read, and mr lee always cuts that 10 minutes to a minimal 5 because he wants us to be dismissed efficiently and orderly. wtf, this is beatty. you remind them how many time also NO USE. we have to talk, we have to break the rules, we have to not care about your nags. i think the reading period is utterly useless when you have such a short time given to you to read. Like today for example, i was so excited to get on to the part on dumbledore's army in HP OFTP. i got in a decent three minutes of reading, (i counted) and the whistle blew and we got on to sing our anthem. (sec 5s not around, even softer. I MISS YOU SEC 5s)after that, we had some lame announcements, and i got down to read. but it turned out to be BB day so we had to listen to the speech and all that. then the BB had this spectacular performance...after which i was left with fits of laughter. we still had another 5 minutes left. but they dismissed us instead. its been two weeks since school reopened and i can honestly tell you i havent been able to read properly thanks to all the announcements. and mr lee really knows how to save time. he says the announcement, and repeats the point THREE FREAKING TIMES. urgh. i just feel like throwing a sec 3T boy at him(they're in front of me)
and now i go on about the use of vulgarities. i think the phrase "f888 you" is very funny. it means sex right? then why do people in our school use it so often? they're really that sexually deprived? i think the people in our school usually have no brains of their own. they think swearing really loudly is cool. they'd start using hokkien swear words that usually talk about the female, or male's genitals. this is where i laugh most. how would it look like, if we acually said " SHUT UP LAH VAG***" in public, like how we use " SHUT UP LAH CHEE ***" abit funny right? you scold me by saying you want to have sex with me? huh?im sorry lah, but i think its really funny. having used these words myself before, i really start to look back and laugh. because its really funny. i think we should come up with new and original vulgarities. now the word bitch is so common, i dont think its considered a vulgarity anymore. and the word ass hole is also used affectionately. vulgarities are meant to hurt. but people in our school are just so immune to vulgarities. then whats the purpose of hurling useless vulgarities?
i think there are better ways to make somebody feel bad. i think the word mother****** is really offensive, i think thats one vulgarity that would really hurt when used in the right situation. but these days, people call each other mothertoots as though it really doesnt mean anything. and especially indians. they have the craziest vulgarities. sometimes, to make you feel bad or they have noting better to do and they think hurling vulgarities should be the way to make singapore a better place to live in, they'd say your mother is a whore/prostitute/slut, and thats how (person who is being insulted) was born. abit weird right? i've actually heard someone call my friend that(both indians) and my friend just laughed it off.later that day, she just felt really insulted. if i were her, i'd probably give the person who said that one tight whack on the face. is he even hearing what he's saying? There's a beattyian indian guy whom i refuse to be aqcuainted with, who calls girls like this " EH, prostitute face!" and im like, HUH???!!!! i am really confused by the behaviour of the indian boys in our school.one group of them are just super stupid, no reason for them to even try to get educated bcause they are seriously stupid and all they know is how to make fun of girls and join some gang to look cool. And then there's the other group that only hang out with indian people, and think the chinese are disgusting cuz they do not wash their butts after using the toilet and instead use toilet paper to wipe their butts. i've had someone say this to me actually. He told me" eh, why you hang out with these chinese people, damn their disgusting, the majority of them dig treasure down their noses and never clean their butts after the cake making." well,ive never exactly seen any of my chinese friends doing it, so i am not judgemental. however they do their business, as long as they bathe, im fine. *HAHAHAH* indians always are playing the victims of racism, when in fact, sometimes, they themselves are the ones being racist. im nt defending or siding anyone here, but i doubt alot of people in singapore are proud to be indian, because of things like this. and then the final group of indians are those who think they're really cool and hot, and when we look at them (unintentionally) , they think you have a crush on them , and try to act high and mighty. these people are seriously loony. im definately not proud to be a indian. im religious and all, but if you asked me, given a choice, would you be indian, my answer would be NO. given the current situation, i wouldnt want to be indian. i may sound like a huge !@#(&*(&(*^ saying this but its true, indians are looked down upon. there's nothing to be proud of.
sigh, i hate going to little india, the indian people there stare at you like, if they stare harder, they might get to see through your clothes. sorry jackass, it doesnt work that way. dont you get enough satisfaction from seeing porn already? GO WANK ALL DAY if you want some action, dont come to little india and disrupt peace, well... my peace. and they'd purposely walk really close to try to brush on you, they'd pretend to look at something on the top shelf by tip toeing while they are actually rubbing their ding dings down your ass. these indian people are really gross. And you realise, the banglas are exactly the same. and you can never swear to them. if you say "f888 you!" when they misbehave, or act pervertic, they'd probably say OKAY and bang you right on the spot. im not being racist. if you remember, these two groups of people are the ones that go down to orchard road and christmas and new year, spray foam on your face and grope you.
and i dont understand how the whole filipino/indo maids mating with bangla construction workers works.(no pun) whenever im on the train on sundays, i see banglas, with the usual tight fitting yellow polo teeshirt, with the giggly maids that laugh at every single thing. and they flock orchard road. and stories of maids getting cheated by married banglah men are on the newspaper really often. dont they learn? im not being racist, there might be few golden apples out of the rotten decayed lot, but the chances of that are as slim as OSAMA BIN LADEN becoming the next president of The united states of America. Im entitled to my own opinion. having faced really scary experiences with banglah men, ive learnt to accept the fact that most of them in singapore are sick perverts. they're probably sick of their women back home, they come to singapore claiming to work, but only to send money to their wives back so that they'd be contented with staying at home to take care of the kids while he on the other hand, gets a whole variety of chicks to look at without his wife realising, (singapore multi racial, we have so many different raced girls) and if he gets lucky, he'd probably ruin some girl's life by telling her he's single and wants to have a serious relationship. in the end he just uses her for what they set out for and never call back again. i am just stating a likely scenario, that usually happens in those NEW PAPER STORIES about maids getting cheated. im not sure if all banglahs here are like that. but these things happen quite often, doesnt it mean something? but of course, singapore cant bann banglahs to look at us, neither can they ask them to stop working, because no singaporean is willing to do what they are doing. so, it is a balanced cycle. well, maybe the chinese girls and malay girls experience more. i dont know.
oh well, life goes on, with out without pervs. what im looking forward to, is SWEENEY TODD, the new johnny-burton colab movie. two of my favourite people in the film industry. i think johnny depp is awesome. he's, by far, the most versatile actor is this era. and he's been the sexiest man alive, until george clooney butted in this year, but johnny depp is really awesome. who could pull off willy wonka, AND jack sparrow? somehow, i cannot picture any other actor .

nope, definately not. but could you imagine him as caveman?

sugar daddy..how bout chad as sugar daddy sheriff?
hmm. okay lah. got money can.

oooh, cowboy. i like i like.
ooh this reminds me of BB DAY today, dont know why.so cool bodoh. how about...

bob marley, some where along that line? peace ya'll. well, doesnt really work does it?
this is the fat old elvis, not the young hot one. sigh. chad, you're losing your touch. stick to your normal self. coyboy, cave man...i wouldnt mind.
i leave you with my favourite two.
audrey hepburn. hot as....=]

they look so good together. and his signature.... =]
adios! listen to good music people!
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