hey guys. im back. merry merry christmas. I woke up today with 21 new messages. HOW AWESOME IS THAT. here are some interesting ones.
Huda: Tat was so sweet. ive got only pizza leftovers( i mentioned turkey and logcakes in my msg) but that msg was better than any of those.....sincerely me.
Latif: thanks but why are all the wishes after 12.30?
latif is just so latif. i speculate this is because everyone was watching love actually on channel 5 last night. then they got all "christmassy". haha. so did i. i love that movie. caught is like, lots of times. =]
Vanga: F*** you! I was sleeping! original my ass. go to sleep. u Hindu! We celebrate deepavali not xmas.
lol, how....vanga. anyway. it was a harmless wish.
Tharenii: Pandi! Merry christmas! JUST ABOUT TO MESSAGE YOU! Trying to be funny ah? How to enjoy turkey i vegetarian! Haha. Merry Christmas babe. Most to most nathan come rape you!
tharenii is infatuated with nathan. and pretty much everything else nathan does. tharen is one of the few veges i know. miss ya dude.
so, my christmas was alright. nthing special. well yesterday i went to the temple, obviously to go pray and all. and this man came up to my father and us(my mum and me) and said he has no money to go home. and my father gave him two bucks. at first i thought my father was being a real scrooge until this funny, funky smell hit me. HE WAS "!@!@$^@^ DRUNK FOR HEAVEN"S SAKE. LIKE he came to the TEMPLE to beg for money so that he's got enough to buy his BOOZA???!!!!! i got so annoyed. so anyway, we walked away. and guess what. HE WENT AROUND ASKING OTHERS FOR MONEY. NOT ASKING, BEGGING. Even those who were busy praying and all. Some lady got really irritated and complained to the main office, where they chased him out. When we were walking out, on our way home, the idiot was begging, on the streets???
okay, here's my stand. Indians. They are the extremes. We have the really useless, and the extreme useful. Check It out. India has one of the highest rate of Aids infected people, numbers still climbing. Here's the other side of the coin. India, is one of the countries, along with china, that singapore will have to compete with very soon, in terms of economy. Indian people, are the definition of lazy. I am indian, and im not too proud of it. I love being a hindu. But, being Indian, i am being subjected to alot of things i dont deserve. Its because of INDIANS like the mofo we met yesterday, that we indians are being labelled. The day Indians actually have the sense of responsibility, im talking about the some few that spoil our name, there will be light in the indian community. but i dont think i'll be around to see that. all i can do is pray.
however i do salute the indians, and bangladeshis",thai,china,myanmar,wherever foreign workers who come to singapore to do the dirty work we singaporeans refuse to do due to status quo. Without you, our cities will not be clean, and construction work will be delayed. I thank you for helping contribute to our economy. but it wouldnt kill you to stop looking at young grils like you've never seen them before. Dont worry, however hard you stare, you're not gonna get xray vision you pervs.
on a lighter note, i'd like to thank all my frens and family who have supported me throughout this tumultous year of endless shock, suffering and torture. You guys have been my light and the looming darkness of year 2006. Happy that this dreadful year has come to an end, i look forward to treasuring my relationship with you till the end of time. Merry christmas and a hppy new year
i am SOOO random. anyway, today i caught teen choice awards and JOHNNY DEPP. needless to say, not only me, but the whole crowd went screaming their nuts off when johnny came on stage. pirates of the caribbean won 17 awards. =] how awesome. and all the girls were screaming! johnny beat orlando. suck on that mainstream suckers. johnny is much hotter than orlando bloom. JOHNNY DEPP. MARRY MEEEEE. I WILL TAKE A BULLET FOR YOU. =] i am so in love. when he won the award for best actor, he couldnt say much since he couldnt hear himself, or anything else. he probably couldnt even hear his own thoughts, in his head, cause the crowd was LITERALLY ROARING. everybody loves johnny lah..
okay. so, as part of my "i love you guys" thing thats going on, im going to dedicate the upcoming posts to some of my friends that really helped me thoughout the year. without them, i would be a heck of a breakdown.

This is Isabel ekaputri naland. Friend of about 7 to 8 years. and a greater friend for a lifetime. ok that doesnt make any sense. i would love this girl forever. she isnt shameless of us being lesbian. ok, only recently she isnt really keen since she walked past this gigolo pub at phuket. some guy actually asked her to come in. WAHAHAHAHA.
alright, if you find your picture on my blog one of these days, know you are appreciated, and loved, by yours truly. it is great honor. i gtg now, so will feature some more of these great people in my next post.
p.s: This part was been removed, it turns out, that i actually dont really care anymore. life goes on.
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