girls out loud.
NEXT POST IS RATED, NC 16. haha, im 15.

clar: you gonna watch that show ah?
me: i dunno, niptuck is on at,maybe just grab some popcorn, catch the news and move on lah. it will probably be funny.
clar: at least there's rozz to look at. she sounds hot on 98.
me:...what about xiaxue?
clar: who wants to look at that cow.?
alright. personally, i dont think she looks that good. compared to rozz. but she's alright. i mean give her a break, after being compared to dawn yeo for fucking 1000000000000000 times, i think you need to. and besides, who can resist reading her blog. she has the fab life in singapore, and trust me, in your hearts, you wanna be her, one way or another. dont fucking deny it, you all want your own t.v show anyday. and she can BLOG. at least she knows she's ugly and puts in effort to make up, dress up.
im not defending her. i just am an avid reader. =] im not that big of a fan. hopefully the t.v show will have as much content as her blog. well she's lucky, she got to do all the cool stuff on her t.v show, like stuff cheezeballs and photoshoots with squids. wee.
check this photo out.
horny horh? lol. anyway. here's somthing that happened earlier when i was conversing with mike. on msn. i didnt add the nicks cuz it took up alot of space. whatever thats not written in colour are my thoughts.
me: watch t.v? niptuck is on.
michael gurunathan: i don watch tt
aish: lol. nice show
mike: oh.
aish: watch.
mike: for wad.
mike: u watch la
aish: then u bored what
mike: nah.if i don like means i wont watch
mike: i might as well..draw!
(i laughed like crazy here)
mike: do u practice safe sex?
aish: lol.
aish: i practice abstinence (till marraige).
mike: u cant wear a condom
ohmygod. funny. i dont have a ring a ding ding. by the way, he started this conversation because of my personal msg, about wearin a condom and practising safe sex. as part of my aids campaign
aish: ya.
aish: of course.haha.
aish: im telling people like...
aish: people who have sex.
aish: (of course the condom part goes for)guys.
in case you didnt know, mike has had many escapades before. eeee.
mike: might as well don Fuck
aish: wth. wear or dont wear all the same.
ohmygod. my english on msn, esp when i talk to michael. is HORRIBLE.
aish: later you get aids you cannot fuck anymore right?
mike: i meant da feelin, for a gal.its all da same
aish: you neh neh pok. shut up and wear a condom. its safer.
i start using funny terms when i try to convince someone.
mike: no leh wear feelin la.
aish: ....
at this point, i really was lost for words. its just latex, you probably wont feel anything there, as in the feel the blood rushing there anyway. i know sex biologically. not experience. nor do i watch porn. i just have these talks with my mum. you know, the birds and the bees talk...i had it last year. EEEE.
aish: what feeling are you supposed to get?
aish: i dont understand why guys like sex.
aish: its so painful. for girls.
mike: not onli guys..everi one likes sex
mike: even u
aish: i havent had sex yet.
ohmygod. i dont think i'll like it. the damn hemen breaks, and it bleeds. someone is forcing a pole in. EE. pain pain.
aish: and it hurts the first time.
mike: yesh..
mike: u may bleed
aish: what may?
i was freaked out.
aish: not messy ah?
i got curious. its all slimy, and they can still go on. thats what i thought. better ask the expert.
mike: nt reali
mike: i don bleed rite..
aish: but she does.
mike: yea..
INSENSETIVE MUCH MIKE! just, "yea.." we bleed! all you guys do is ... be horny.
aish: so gross.
mike: wont bleed alot la
aish: then your down there got blood.
haha, i was acting like a kid, afraid to say the real word.
aish: im like taking lessons from you.
i shouldnt be talking about this to're like, a maniac.
mike: yea la
mike: wont have alot la!
i think he got fed up of me asking about the blood.
mike: veri little la
aish: lol. but still pain what.
i would run from sex, if i had to. im afraid.
aish: thats why they shout so much when they do it
mike: yea la..but they enjoy wad
aish: so pain what they enjoy.
mike: da pain?
mike: u will noe wen u FucK la
why cant he say, make love or something. so CRUDE.
aish: lol.
aish: i cant believe we just talked about that.
mike: yea
lol. wasnt that educational? applause please.
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