potter,tunstall, allen and me. we're all one big family.

Wow, antagonist featued in the poster, and its damn alluring. I AM HIGHHHH. eat this jo.

This is what Luna Lovegood looks like, Evanna Lynch i think her name is. something like that lahh. OHMYGOD, the quibbler girl. i am sooo excited... i have been witholding this fo two months now, i decided to let it out on the blog. I AM HYPERRR!
The Clown of the century, umbridge. GROSS. played by Imelda Staunton. Umbridge was an important character, someone who serves as more than just comic relief in the book, hopefully imelda staunton will do umbridge proud.

dan with his loser haircut, does him no justice. i am not going to put up his onscreen kiss with cho, its just gonna spoil anything. im sure you can find it on google. WEEE. feel soo good. anyway there are some pictures i'd like to show you some pictures of KT TUNSTALL. remember how i said i liked her photos, check it out.

THATS her album cover, like wth. her outfit, look at it dawg, SO FETCH.
OHMYGOD. HER CHEEKS. THIS IS GENIUS. so raw, so... amazing. i am lesbiaan, i just love the motion displayed. i told you she wasnt any unconventional beauty, BUT LOOK, she has this LOOK. There's this one more picture ive been wanting to upload, but stupid blogge is crazy, i'll save it for another day. if you see it, you'll be astounded. ITS THAT PREEETTTYYY.alright, guess what. i'm all out of pictures, and words. didnt see that coming did you? so lemme do some advertising.

This is Lily Allen- you might have heard of her. Her music is great. Mainstream, sadly. But she started out at Myspace. so guess what, she does make good music. Some Familiar songs might be Smile, and LND. they have a very British FanFare sound. ask me if you want to have a listen. OKAY? I reccomend the song Everything's Just Wonderful. the lyrics are crazy,
okay anyway, sukma gave me the idea of talking about the retards in my life, the retarding factors, so on. okayy.
the first person who's most retarded in my life is me. this part is the only part whee i can state facts to back up the previous statements. so i've decided to list out some random facts about me, that makes me really crappy sometimes. check this out. these are my horrible inabilities. ive decided to sidetrack and talk about me, instead of the retards in my life. this goes to show that, yes, i am quite obsessed with myself. and in case you didnt realise, i was COMPLETLY kidding with the previous statement, the only person im obsessed with is johnny depp. oh no. there's more. chad michael murray too. hugh jackman. hilarie burton. oliver goodwill. haiya, the list goes on. here's my list of inabilities.
- I do not know how to cook maggi mee on a mess tin during field cooking.
- Hate cooking, i am afraid of the stove, i would make the worst housewife.
- i dont noe the difference between naval,navel. this nearly caused me my english genius title on okcupid.com. ok, if you dont know what im talking about, skip it. only liz knows cause i asked her what the answer is. anyway...moving on.
- i like mandy moore's only hope. remember, a walk to remember? haha. sounded funny. anyway, im not ashamed. this is actually the only song of mandy moore's that i like.
- my mum still puts on my socks and shoes for me.
- i have a weakness for pokemon
finally, - my mum still feeds me sometimes. SOMETIMES OKAYY?
wow, im obsessed with long photo infested blog posts, thats why i enter so much on my keyboard i guess. HAHAAH. shi xiong, i want my futuresex/lovesounds CD back OKAY? sometime soon? toodles!
ps: didnt i tell you this was going to be a surprise for me? well it was. i experimented with colours too. and never did i think i would share somehing about myself, embaressing rather.
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