wahlan oi i came back home at 7 today stupid fucken 56 bus came so fucken l8 melvin went back home eons earlier i was soooo mofo pissseedddd somemore the bus stop was vomit ville. but it was a gd nw yr overall. didnt show the rest i was a lil woozy from the party earlier. but i managed to nap for a while while they were watching da vinci. then melvin screamed when we were watching red eye. i laughed my head off.
my new yr was great. i have no resolutions this yr. gonna keep it pretty simple.
so, my top 17 albums of the year?

ok lah, i know it was a 2006 album but i cannot get over the tracks in this shit. this was a really good album to feel good about, especially enjoyed call and return.

needless to say, the indie lovers will rock this one out. i havent heard such good indie rock in a while and this one was worth every cent. the tracks out drinking and teen stuff really was.... whoa.

nine inch nails, hmm. after their disappearing act , or maybe i just wasnt in the know, i really liked this album on 5th listen. i still havent quite figured out which side im on yet, but im quite sure im feeling it.

this was is just, a comeback worth remembering for a really, really long time. was hoping for better, but im going to be biased and put it on my list.

i would be sinned if i didnt have this on my list. seriously, after jack white's the ramones... i needed some good white stripes and they came back with some awesome guitar rifts. i think jack white is...brilliant.

my only rap album on this list. i heard this on i tunes, i think this is one of his best. i caught the movie and when i heard the album... i think he was inspired.

ok bright eyes, i have the album im wide awake and its morning. quite honestly i found it really brilliant. not many understood why bright eyes or how. but i think....cassadaga was even more brilliant. really good tracks, quite different from lua and stuff. :D

aiyah this one really no need for explanation. i really liked the track teenage love affair. go check it out. could relate to it.

okay, this one is record breaking. they actually decided to let fans decide how much they shd pay for he album online lah cann. i loved radiohead's new album. LIKE SIMPLY LOVEDDDDD.

okay. i know this one was like super mainstream, compared to previous album. but fall out boy with carpal tunnel of love was... i dont know. pretty much liked the album cause it was easy listening. i didnt have pick tracks, everything was good. so this deserved a worthy spot on my coveted list.

IF SHD BE MURDERED IF THIS WASNT ON IT. I was so glad that they released the pretender as their first single because honestly if that didnt fool you i dont know which track would. this album is highly diverse, every track is brilliant in its own way. i have a huge crush on dave grohl and i am not biased. :D

cool. when she sung about getting drunk and high and stuff i didnt know it was really....like that. a train wreck worth listening to. britney gets boring after a while, mark ronson did a good job with this one.

i must say,this album was much different compared to songs about jane. songs about jane will still top the list for me, but this album just showed me a different side to maroon 5, with their new drummer. i figured this album would be a much better concert approach since the songs are more moshable. once again lyrics are... heh. but i liked infatuation. this album kept its pace and i loved that.

i love this woman. i absolutely loved how brutally honest she is about everything. everything's just wonderful pretty much sums up my life, LDN was just plain cool, and sunday morning, friday night...talking about love when you dont mean it... she says it all so simply its just hard not to miss. and her voice is just... yay.

ahh, i hated his debut, but his sophomore effort was brilliant. a much mature sound, this is just the upbeat more competent version of usher's confessions. i loved kiss kiss, with you. mosta the time im rocking out to this one.

ahh... why not number 1. because the asian version didnt feature the john mayer track. and sadly, this album fell short when compared to his late registration and college dropout. he experimented too much on dance tracks in my opinion. but an ASTAR for the effort. seriously, daft punk. yea man! i cant wait for the super rap grp trio to form. him, pharrell and lupe fiasco.

kala, M.I.A this one def deserves album of the year. i loved every track because every thing is so different. every sound, from urban cultural to dancecore. seriously, M.I.A has gone so far from arular. the srilankan girl has so much talent.
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