like, zomg. MY 100th post!
happy 100th post!!! lets all take a moment to celebrate. quite amazing how i've managed to keep this blog alive for 9 months! October 26 2006, was born. following a few url changes, it now remains as pretty easy to remember ehh?

also went to new zealand (crossed out on the list!)
by the way, here's the list.
1) Greece
2) New York
3) Somalia (the poor kids there)
4) Kenya
6) Spain
7) Los Angeles
8) Florida (been!)
9) New Zealand (been!)
10) thailand's golden triangle (been!)
11) Rio De Janerio (Brazil!)
13) Miami
14) Hawaii
15) Mauritius
16) Afghan (before i die)
17) Dubai, to see the architecture and how hot it is
yupp, thats the list. considering im afraid of flight, its a pretty big feat to accomplish travelling before i die. i also saw my idol perform live this year!
best day of my entire life i swear i will never forget it christina aguilera i love you man you so totally rock you save the sell out artistes proving that they've got talent too!
also discovered the wonders of HEROES, UGLY BETTY, ARTIC MONKEYS and PARAMORE (didnt like it when hakim first introduced me to it last yr so it makes a difference. shows i've matured musically, as a fan.)
so yea, it relatively been a pretty good year alright. also made plenty new friends like aslam, afiq, timothy and so on.
okay guys. so that was the overview of year 2007 (1/2). been one heck of a half year. wonder whats in store for me the next 5 months ahead.
okay, did i mention im freaky scared that i wont get an A for my MT o's. i really want an A since i plan on using it for my L1r5. i know i wrote a competly juvenile compo, and my oral and listening wasnt all fantastic and i made MANY careless mistakes for my written paper, SHIT im so screwed,if i dont get an A i'll get a thrashing from my parents, plus results are out during my bdae week pretty much screwed.GAH! please all, pray!
so last sunday was Keiran's birthday party (my 6 year old cousin). He turns 6 today,Happy Birthday Keiran Nathenial! yesterday wasnt so great since mosta them were old people talking about work and the older talking about menopause. the teens were listening to their ipods. yesterday was a bore so i msged kenneth about how importatnt a 16th birthday should be, and how every fucking year i end up being disappointed. my birthday celebrations have never been worth remembering, tht really pathetic. hopefully this year, my 16th birthday really would be a sweet 16!
last sunday, i was on the train from toa payoh heading to yew tee to my grandma's place. and i found myself seated a seat away from the window pane seat. you know, you're supposed t give up seats located near the window pane to the elderly or those with kids right? so i was seated next to that seat. the right thing to do was to give up your seat anyway if an elderly came by or whatnot right? so this really old lady came by and i thought of giving up my seat for her, but the lady next to me (seated next to the windowpane) gave up her seat. so i wasnt obliged to any guilt, merely because the woman gave up her seat first, but somehow it seemed like I was the baddy, cause im younger, i should have given up the seat first. But i was slow in reaction time, so it wasnt really my fault is it?( i think ive been reading too much kenny sia and sibehsian)
so this old lady kindly took the seat that was offered to her. she wasnt really pleasant appearance wise, she wore the traditional (elderly lady outfit), had wired tangled white hair, and didnt smile. when she sat down, i had to pray for a miracle to happen. she had this odor, i swear i think a wet fish market on a busy day smelt better. its was a mixture of old fart in storage, sour milk,dumpster with rotten eggs and dog poo when its on the runs. i am NOT exaggerating. i was staggering for some fresh air, i found myself sniffing the desperate remains of my jean paul gautier perfume on my collar.
so god decided to show mercy on me, and had me moved to the seat opposite, in the center, two stops later. later on, a lady with two kids boarded. again,instictively, i prepared to stand up, even though i wasnt next to the rear. i was feeling guilty about moving away from the old lady (plus the old lady kept staring at me, like she was going to melt me with her laser eye stare). however two other people prepared to leave, so the kids took up the seats. one ight next to me while another opposite. dang, guilty.
so a stop later, this awkward looking lady stepped in, frantic to find a seat before the train jerked to move. but to no avail. and surprisingly, she didnt find a pole to hang on to, so she had to resort to clinging on to the above handles. here is where the amazing mentality of the woman strikes.
apparently...erm, she hadnt shaved. yes. she was wearing a sleeveless dress. so she was scrambling to cover the hideous pits of hers with her arms and some of the hair frm her head. it was the most comical thing i'd ever seen and im sure the lady next to me who was shaking with laughter agreed.
innocently, the kids on the other hand wanted to play with one the smal boy on the other side left his seat for about three seconds, and the armpit lady immediately grabbed the seat and shot poor innocent boy a smug look "neh neh neepoo poo i got the seat!" XP.
and i was disgusted.
yea then she sat down and started talking to herself. then it got so amusing that it got disturbing, then yew tee came so i left.
lipton tea has got a new ingredient, i sense it. btw, good luck for upcoming exams guys!
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