mel and apparently constipated ericsson boy next door and mel. mel and aman. boy next door and me. im so burnt! erica mae! hungry for more eric aman the demon child ericsson handsome sial. KIDS GABRIEL, rachel, shiu ann and stephanie and marissa and their two bros and their sista kinda forgot his name. shit. stephanie marissa chee tang and me with the kids. stephanie and marissa's bro. cute! shiu an with her kids. rachel ong, the best with kids. pntm candidates. so cute! shagged me. pretty her and me cute stuff so cuteee tang me and phillipines' next top model.
hehe, shiu an likes taking unglam shots. isnt she cyoot?! two handsomes. pretty kids.
kids at singapore village at baseco manila. the second one from the left is darn handsome. CHEE AND MEE. we were gonna get on that. us and professor new. us and antonio the horse. why am i the only faggot smiling. pretty spanish cathedral. spanish influence in manila. this is their macs. the other horse antonio the horse and our history tour guide, georgie porgie. antonio dont pee. SHOPPING! i look darn shag! with carmie, fiona and tang shaggiliciously fel and me quah i hope you have an awesome time at tokyo eating raw salmon. we're gonna have a blast at drama. cherie chong! you left the love of your life back in the philli! well anyway, i love YOU. i know you love your "best friend" MARIO MATTTT. it was damn fun getting to know you AFTER we got back. tang , you have no idea how much i love love love you. you are AMAZINGGG. shaky hands there mario!
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